What is Supermoon Eclipse?

On 2015, Sept. 27 Supermoon lunar eclipse had occurred in the U.S. And much of the world, but what does that mean?

This event can be referred to in many different ways:
1. Supermoon Lunar Eclipse
2. Super Blood Moon
3. Harvest Moon Eclipse
4. Supermoon Eclipse

All slightly different names, but apply to the same spectacular event that had occurred that day.

Since it’s rare that both a supermoon and an lunar eclipse occur at the same time, let’s break it down.

1) Supermoon

A supermoon is a full or new moon that falls closest to the fall equinox, and is at its closest approach to the Earth. This results in the moon appearing up to 14% larger in diameter.


2) Lunar Eclipse

A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes directly behind the Earth into its shadow. This can give the moon a red tint.


3) A Supermoon Lunar Eclipse!

The combination of these two events does not happen very often. In fact, since 1900 a supermoon lunar eclipse has only happened 5 times!


The last time this occurred was 1982, and if you have missed this event this year, your next opportunity won’t come until 2033.

This year, the event was visible from the Americas, Europe and Africa on the night of Sept. 27. 

Source: NASA


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