Chocolates, Love and Mood

Who don’t love to eat chocolates ? From kids to adults, everyone love chocolates. Chocolates are good for heart as well. Chocolates are most famous among love birds !!

But do you know why is this so famous among lovers ? There is a deep relation between Chocolates, Love and Mood. Lets dig into little depth.

Chocolates contain chemical compounds like Caffeine, Theobromin, Phenylethylamine, Cannabinoids and many more compounds in very small quantities. Every chemicals have their role in different ways.

1. Caffeine stimulates Central Nervous System and stimulates flow of blood in brain. This makes us active.

2. Theobromin increases the brain’s level of Serotin which is responsible for sexual arousal.      Theobromin is responsible for secretion of feel-good hormone in our body.

3. Serotin plays a major role in positive mood, emotional health, proper sleep and various physiological functions.

4. Increase in Serotin increases sexual excitement, desire and responsiveness.

5. Women have more Serotin in their system than Men. So they are more sensitive to chocolates. It provide mood-boost during menstruation. It also put women in the mood of  love.

6. Phenylethylamine(PEA) is most influential love compound. It enhances the activity of Dopamine which is directly associated with Sexual arousal and pleasure (Better next time gift her chocolates before you go on her !!!).

7. PEA also acts as an anti-depressant.

8. Cannabinoids are found in brain responsible for mind-altering. Mind-altering cannabinoids are called Anandamides derived from Sanskrit word “Anand” means bliss or happy.

9. Anandamides make us blissfull and happy.

So, Don’t forget to gift her/him Chocolates, next time you meet her/him. GOOD LUCK !!!

NOTE: Above mentioned chemical behaviors varies from person to person based on their biological structure and gene. At present lot of research are going on it, so many new results and changes in existing results may happen. Everything have pros and cons, chocolates too have.

I apologize for my grammar.


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