Some interesting Facts about minute and hour Hands of Analog Clock

   Analog Clock

Everyday, Number of times we face analog clock. Have you ever tried to know following facts about hour and minute hand of an analog clock. During my aptitude class, I came to know these interesting facts. Lets find out:

  • In a span of 12 hours, hour hand & minute hand of analog clock coincides i.e. makes zero degree to each other for eleven times.
  • In a span of 12 hrs, Hour & Minute hand make 180 degree to each other i.e. they are opposite to each other for eleven times.
  • In a span of 12 hrs, Hour & Minute hand of analog clock make right angle to each other for twenty two times (Make a time to check).
  • Time required for each successive coincidence between hour and minute hand is 720/11 minutes. It means hour and minute hand coincide after every 720/11 minutes.
  • Hour hand sweeps 1/2 degree angle in 1 minute.
  • Minute hand sweeps 6 degree angle in 1 minute.

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